Saturday, September 3, 2011

Does attitude contribute to success ?

Hi friends,recently i have read one book .that is very awesome and motivated me a lot.So i want share my ideas . Before going to topic I want 2 go through example which is well known to all.
                                                             There was a man who made his living selling balloons at a fair. He had balloons of much of different colors including red , yellow blue and green .Whenever business was slow he would release a helium filled balloon into the air. When the children saw the balloon go up, they wanted one. Like that his sales would go up. one day a boy at fair asked him” If you release a black balloon , would that also fly?”. The man replied It is not a color of the balloon it is what inside that makes it go up
                                                         The same principle applies to our lives . It is what’s inside that counts. And what’s inside of us that makes us go up is out Attitude .Human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. Right attitudes produce right actions The ICEBERG only 10% is visible .Remaining 90% is below sea level, this part act as piller to 10% visible part. Same as invisible part of 90% is our attitude which , we have good attitude to contribute to success.A study attributed to Harvard University found that a person gets a job or a promotion ,85% of the time it is because of his attitude,and only 15% of the time because of intelligence and knowledge of specific facts.
Attitude applies to every sphere of life, including one’s personal and professional life. Coming to David and Goliath story .Goliath was gaint of aman. Hestruck fear in everyone’s heart. But David killed the gaint with the slingshot. Same gaint , different perceptions .

Our attitude determines how we look with a clear idea. Attitude can be stepping stone to be success

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